We are extremely happy to announce SKI THE GLADE is back. We could not hold this very popular annual fun event due to Covid 19 last year. SKI THE GLADE is full day of pampered skiing on the historic Glade Trail. The trail is 3.5 miles long from Timberline Lodge and Government Camp. Prior to ski lifts being installed at Timberline, trail skiing was the thing to do. Ride a bus or drive a car to Timberline, ski down the trail, catch a shuttle bus back to Timberline and do it again and again, all day long.
Once a year, under permit from the US Forest Service, the Museum holds this living history event to relive history. Timberline Lodge will groom the trail snow, and Next Adventure will provide shuttle vans. Museum volunteers will act as trail guides and senior Mt. Hood Ski Patrol members be on hand all day. The day starts with coffee and pastries, first bus leaves at 9:00 AM, lunch at the museum is our famous Sauerkraut soup or other choice soups, followed by more trail runs with a Apre-ski party at the end of the day. Tickets are limited so reserve yours no by calling the Museum Office at 503-272-3301, Wednesday - Sunday. Wearing vintage ski clothing is encouraged.
We hope you can join us for the unique day of skiing.