We are excited to be back at our favorite mountain, Mt. Hood Skibowl, for 2022, as our first time getting people back together since 2020. This year, participants can choose where their fundraising goes: Williamette Valley Cancer Foundation, Seeds of Hope, Seattle Children's Hospital, Fred Hutch, Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society or American Cancer Society.
This is a vertical challenge, where competitors earn points for both dollars raised and the total vertical feet skied. Teams can consist of between 4 and 10 people. You can also compete individually. There are no age restrictions.
Registration is $35 per person, regardless of whether you are registering as an individual or as a member of a team.
Each participant and/or team is asked to set their own fund-raising goal when registering.
Lift tickets valid from Saturday and till Sunday at 1 pm cost: $86.
To register and participate: click HERE
Volunteers are needed to help with registration, food, preparing the torches, and more. If you want to volunteer, please contact Director@skiandrideforacure.org .