Have you ever seen a ski race on the mountain and wondered what it would be like to participate? For over 35 years, PACRAT Racing has provided an easy way for skiers and snowboarders on Mt. Hood to find out for themselves. People race PACRAT (Pacific Northwest Area Clubs Recreational Alpine Teams) for many reasons: the thrill of competing, a love of racing, and sometimes just the opportunity to meet new mountain friends. PACRAT races are fun, safe, and offer a challenge to all skill levels. After trying racing for the first time, many racers tell us that they wish they had discovered it sooner.
PACRAT racing is a team-oriented league, with racers on each ten-member team trying to accumulate the most points over our five-race series. We have team awards at the end of the year with some additional recognition for individual racers. Because our point system rewards individual improvement, first-time racers are often high scorers, which makes them popular among their teammates. Post-race parties (included with your racing dues) are the perfect time to brag about a fast run, lament an off day, socialize with friends, enjoy food and a beverage, and a chance to win door prizes.
PACRAT races are held at Mt. Hood Skibowl, Mt. Hood Meadows, and Timberline. Our racers are also eligible for discounted lift tickets on the day of each race. For a current race schedule, check out pacrats.org. The only requirement for PACRAT participation is to be a member of a NWSCC club (which gives you even more chances of meeting some new ski buddies or socializing with friends). For more information about joining us for the upcoming season, including joining an NWSCC club, check out our website or e-mail membership@pacrats.org.
The 2024 PACRAT season will offer a Friday Division and a Sunday Division with races beginning at 10am, except possible Friday division races at Ski Bowl which may be afternoon, depending on their schedule (no night races). Each division will include five scheduled races throughout the season. Racers will select ONE DIVISION to participate in and cannot compete in the alternate division at any point during the season. Each division will contain a maximum of 125 racers.
Race 1 - Friday, January 19 at Meadows
Race 2 - Friday, February 2 at Skibowl
Race 3 - Friday, March 1 at Skibowl
Race 4 - Friday, March 22 at Meadows
Race 5 - Sunday, April 7 at Timberline (Combined Divisions)
Makeup Date - Friday, March 29 at Timberline (if needed)
Makeup Date - Sunday, April 14 at Timberline (if needed)
Race 1 - Sunday, January 21 at Meadows
Race 2 - Sunday, February 4 at Skibowl
Race 3 - Sunday, March 3 at Skibowl
Race 4 - Sunday, March 24 at Meadows
Race 5 - Sunday, April 7 at Timberline (Combined Divisions)
Makeup Date - Sunday, March 31 at Meadows (if needed)
Makeup Date - Sunday, April 14 at Timberline (if needed)
*Makeup race dates will only be used if a previous division race is canceled.
Division after-race parties will be posted to the Pacrats.org website when confirmed
Online registration for the 2024 PACRAT race season is now open and will continue through December 31st. Every racer must select either the Friday Division or the Sunday Division and compete in that division throughout the season. Registration fees for the 2024 PACRAT season will be $145 for either the Friday Division or the Sunday Division. Registration is limited to 125 racers per division, so be sure to register early to reserve your spot. This includes division races, after-race parties and the end of season Rat Attack awards party. Lift tickets are not included but race day tickets will be available at a discounted price through the resorts.
Registration will be completed on the PACRAT online registration site only. Individual team members may compete in either the Friday or Sunday division, meaning that each team may be split between Friday and Sunday Divisions. Smaller teams may be combined to form a full team once registration is complete.
One Friday Division race and one Sunday Division race will constitute one Full Season Race. The last combined Sunday race will also constitute one Full Seasons Race. Racers will be awarded up to 5 points within their competing class, with seven women’s classes and seven men’s classes. Racers will be awarded 2, 3, 4 or 5 points based on where they place in their class. Racers will be awarded only 1 point for did-not-finish or falling below the class. Bonus points will be awarded if a racer beats their previous best handicap, and up-strikes/down-strikes will be applied per standard PACRAT rules. The top four out of five scores per racer will be counted for season team scores. First race class placement will be determined from last season’s race results. New racers will be placed in the class they finish in during their first race.
Physical distancing and face coverings may be enforced during races this season if resort guidelines require. Temperature and wellness checks also may be required pending resort guidelines.
We are looking forward to our famous PACRAT after-race parties this season. The 2024 after-race party schedule is expected to include two Friday Division after-race parties, two Sunday Division after-race parties, and one Combined after-race party on a Sunday afternoon. Party dates will be posted to the Pacrats.org calendar when confirmed.
The Rat Attack is scheduled for Friday night, April 19, 2024! We are stoked for our end of season Rat Attack awards banquet! Details to be posted to the pacrats.org calendar when confirmed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a racer register for both Friday and Sunday Divisions?
No, every PACRAT racer must select either the PACRAT Friday Division or the PACRAT Sunday Division on the opening page of the online registration.
Can a team have racers competing in both the Friday Division and the Sunday Division?
Yes, with the 2024 season scoring system, team points are calculated with a combination of a Friday and Sunday race.
What are the makeup race dates?
Makeup race dates will only be used if a previous division race is cancelled.
How do I register for the 2024 PACRAT race season?
Registration will be completed through PACRAT Online Registration system only. Online registration will run through December 31st, 2023. Please visit the pacrats.org registration page for instructions.
A big congratulations to this season's wining team, NWX PDX Sliders of NWXventure. Final results for the 2023 season are on the Results page of the PACRATS.org website. And thank you to all our racers for another great year of PACRAT racing!
PACRAT Laura Green Ski Patrol Fundraiser Race:
Thank you to everyone that participated and/or donated to this years Laura Green Ski Patrol Fundraiser. We had a wonderful race day at Timberline for the race with over 90 participants. Thanks to everyone's generous donations we raised over $10,000 for the MT Hood Ski Patrol. Race results from the Laura Green Ski Patrol Fundraiser Race are on the Results page of the PACRATS.org website
PACRAT’s NASTAR affiliation is another perk that our racers enjoy. NASTAR is a national recreational ski racing group featuring national handicaps. All our series races count towards NASTAR points, and we host two NASTAR open races, weather permitting, that are open to the public. NASTAR national competition provides many with an opportunity to medal, based upon age, gender, and ability. Plus, your PACRAT race results may allow you to qualify for the NASTAR National Championships in April. For more information or race results go to nastar.com.
The season’s grand finale is the Rat Attack, PACRAT’s end-of-season award banquet. This event (also included with your racing dues) is when team results are announced, and trophies are awarded. The male and female racers who have shown the most consistent improvement during the season are crowned as King and Queen Rat. In addition to food, drinks, and awards, there are door-prize giveaways and entertainment.
Our wireless Phoenix-Microgate timing system and new dual course LED readerboard are owned and operated by PACRAT, allowing our races to start on time and stay on schedule. Our course crew works hard to keep the course safe so everyone can concentrate on having a fun time and bringing their A-game.
Once our race season is complete, PACRAT teams up with the Mt Hood Adult Race Club for our annual Laura Green Memorial Fundraiser Race at Timberline. This is a fun race open to the public, with all ages welcome to experience the thrill of ski racing. All proceeds from the Laura Green Memorial Race are donated to the Mt Hood Ski Patrol.
An elected volunteer board oversees the scheduling. racing, parties, awards, finances, and administrative matters. PACRAT relies on volunteers for our races and parties, if you are interested in volunteering or becoming a board member, please email president@pacrats.org.