FWSA Announces Legacy Project to Honor Historic Far West Skiers

The Far West Ski Foundation was founded in 1962, and its overarching objective is to ensure that the inspirational experiences of snowsports will remain for future generations.  We are a non-profit, all-volunteer 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation.

We are excited to announce our new Legacy Project to members of the Far West Ski Association.

VISION:  Archive as many biographies of Far West skiers as possible, while raising money for snow legacy projects in the West.

VEHICLE:  A digital compilation of individuals, clubs and councils in the Far West Ski Association, hosted on the FWSA and FWSF websites.  Organizations and individuals will be indexed alphabetically and by association with clubs and councils.  A graphic display will be periodically published and collected information will be available for updating.

FEE/DONATION:  A $100 fee will be collected by FWSF and earmarked for Legacy Projects (museums, etc.).  A commemorative gift will be available upon request.

BIOGRAPHICAL CONTENT:  Content should include:  photo, DOB, 1st day of skiing, original home mountain, fondest memories, ski club affiliations, and achievements can be archived.

BIOGRAPHICAL CONTENT:  Must be limited to one page.  Use Arial 12 Point Font

SEND TO:  Joe Harvis, harvisja@gmail.com