Join the leadership of the Council – serving on the board of directors is a great way to get involved in club, council and Far West Ski Association activities. The board is made up of members from different clubs in NWSCC—bringing a variety of style and experience to the Council. All officer positions are open for one-year terms. Everyone is encouraged to run for any position! WE WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS!!! We are especially desirous of members to assist in the following areas: membership, travel, and Facebook and Meetup assistance.

The following officers will be voted upon in June by email (one vote per regular club in NWSCC):

✶ President: Head of the Council Executive Board; represents NWSCC at Far West Ski Association board meetings and at National Ski Council Federation meetings.

✶ Vice President: Assumes duties of the president when needed and handles other duties as assigned.

✶ Treasurer: Responsibility for Council financials. Experience with bookkeeping software and GAAP necessary.

✶ Secretary: Records Council minutes and correspondence as needed; keeps corporate records.

✶ At-Large Director (two positions): Duties as assigned by the President. [Other directors will be appointed by the elected Board to fill the slate.]

Time involved:  Scheduled Council meetings; a monthly board meeting; other duties as assigned or as you volunteer to work on. The Board meetings and monthly Council meetings have been held by Zoom since the pandemic started.

Current candidates who have announced they are running for election are: President, Sheri Parshall; Vice President, Sue Rimkeit; Secretary, Laurie Steinbruck; Treasurer, Bill King; at-large director positions (2 will be elected): Barbara McLean, Dave Tragethon, Tom Arnold, Marc Galt, Steve Coxen, Linda McGavin. Nominees are welcome to run for any position! WE WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS!!! We are especially interested in new board members to assist in the following areas: Membership and Facebook and Meetup assistance.

If interested in running for election to the NWSCC board, please contact Chris Ciardi at PastPres@ nwskiers.org for more information or to put your name on the ballot.  We need your input and support, and want YOU to consider serving on the Board!