FWSA Individual and Club Recognition Awards

Every year at the FWSA Convention individuals are awarded prizes in special categories sponsored by partner ski areas and lodging properties.  The deadline to apply is March 26, 2017.  Individual awards (with prizes!) that are well worth entering are for the following:  

Far West Council's Man & Woman of the Year:  The FWSA Council Man and Woman of the Year are chosen by their peers based on their contributions to Clubs, Council, Race League, FWSA and nationally.  The award is presented to both an outstanding man and woman at the grassroots level. Selection criteria is based on each individual's involvement in skiing; club, council, regional and national activities; and knowledge and enthusiasm for the snowsports. Candidates should have awareness of Far West programs and, in particular, its public affairs involvement.  The Award covers the last five years only.  New last year, the Man and Woman of the Year candidate from each council will be reimbursed for one night at the FWSA convention hotel at the early bird convention rate.  The prize has been sponsored by Big White Ski Resort since 2001, and is a 5-day trip for two, including lodging, lifts, and rentals.  The 2016 FWSA Woman of the Year was our own Colleen Stroeder.  NWSCC Clubs need to provide the names of their own Man and Woman of the Year to the NWSCC Board by March 16, 2017.

Safety Person of The Year Award:  This yearly award honors the person who has done the most to promote safety consciousness within the association.  This can be done through a variety of methods including safety articles, on-mountain activities, presentations, public speaking, working ski patrol, creating posters or banners, and many other activities.  Sponsored by Telluride Ski Resort & Mountain Lodge Telluride since  – the winner is awarded a 5-night/4 day ski package for two in Telluride with lodging and lift tickets.  Last year's winner was our own NWSCC Vice President Sue Rimkeit, for her many safety tips, quips, and articles published by NWSCC.  
Western Ski Heritage Award:  The purpose of the Far West Western Ski Heritage program is to raise the awareness of skiers and non-skiers alike of the contributions made by individuals, groups, or companies to all aspects of skiing – competitive as well as outdoor winter recreation and fitness.  A parallel purpose of this award is to convey the positive role skiing has had in its contributions to the communities in the West.  The prize is open to an individual or a group leader (not restricted to FWSA members) and can be self-nominated or nominated by a club or club member.  The prize is awarded on the basis of a history product or a work in progress.  Sponsored by Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation since 2000, the winner is awarded a five-day ski package for two in Steamboat with lodging, lift tickets, rentals, lesson, lunch, and more! 

Environment Award:  The Environment Award is designed to encourage good stewardship of our environment. We want to inspire and reward creative efforts to conserve and protect our environment. This award should recognize a special action that the applicant took, or something he or she put in place that made a difference. Some areas to consider are: Volunteering at the community level – particularly in some leadership role; conducting or arranging for an environmental oriented event(s) – either for club, council or public; writing a series of columns regarding environmental conservation, education or protection in your ski club or council newsletters; being proactive in environment protection.  Sponsored by Aspen/Snowmass, The Gant, and The Crestwood – the winner is awarded a 5-day ski package for two in Aspen/Snowmass with lodging split between The Gant in Aspen and The Crestwood Condominium Hotel in Snowmass, including lift tickets, rentals, and group lesson.

Charities and Community Service Recognition Program FWSA encourages all clubs and councils to get involved with charities and community service. The Charities and Community Service Recognition Program has been recognizing clubs for their charitable work at each convention for the past ten years.  The Charity Recognition Program has created two different levels of application for Clubs: the Diamond and Double Diamond awards. Any Club that has won first place in this wonderful recognition program in a past year will apply in the Double Diamond category. All other Clubs will be in the Diamond category.  The two separate levels will hopefully give all groups an added incentive to apply, and then to apply again. Each Club category will have a first and second place winner. The Council category will recognize a first-place winner.  FWSA has not yet determined how the winners will be recognized, but certainly, it will be special!  Please stay tuned.  The top two Clubs in each category and the winning Council will be invited to display a picture board at Convention.  All groups that apply will be recognized at Convention.  For any Charity & Community Service questions, contact Sigrid Noack at skisig@gmail.com.

Far West Club/Council History Recognition:  In 2008 Far West launched this program to develop club, league and council histories. The objective of the annual program is to capture important information about skiing from the skier’s perspective and especially that of the club skier.  Selection for the award is based on digital (preferable) or mailed presentation of club or council history according to a set of weighted criteria and judged by knowledgeable ski historians.

Far West Historic Ski Clubs:  Clubs with over 50 years of operation may be designated as a FWSA Historic Ski Club. The club must provide proof of operations with the request for this designation.  Proof may be articles of incorporation, minutes, press clippings or other significant historic evidence and may be 1 to 10 pages of copied material.  The applying club will be required to provide a reproducible logo.

NWSCC encourages ALL of our member clubs to consider entering these competitions!!  Go to the FWSA website under Awards for full details and application materials.  We want to see OUR clubs as winners at Convention!