FWSA Awards - FWSA Tollakson Outstanding Club Applications Due
/FWSA Council Presidents and Leaders,
It gives me great pleasure to announce the launch of the 2025 FWSA Tollakson Outstanding Club Program!
We know that volunteers are the lifeblood of our organizations, and recognition can be the most valuable compensation for our club leaders and active members. Your member clubs can leverage your Council and the Far West Ski Association industry-recognized award programs to bring attention to their club, while praising their volunteers for a job well-done.
You may wonder, why is Todd so excited this time?
After having no recognition of club excellence for a handful of years, last year we received 18 submissions from clubs representing 8 of the 10 FWSA Councils that were active in 2023. We recognized the finalist club for each of the member councils at the FWSA Annual Convention in Reno, NV, and it was a blast. That said, we hope to pump it up even more this year.
Before we start on this year's program, I want to take time out to recognize the overall Tollakson Outstanding Club Finalists are...
Phoenix Ski Club from Arizona Council
Modesto Ski Club from Bay Area Council
Bogus Basin Ski Club from the former Intermountain Council
Century City Ski Club from Los Angeles Council
Altair Ski & Sports Club from Northwest Council
SnowBusters Ski Club from NBS Western Region
Action Ski & Sports Club from San Diego Council
Reno Ski & Rec Club from Sierra Council
And the overall Tollakson Outstanding Club for 2024 is...Phoenix Ski Club from Arizona Ski Council
This year's Far West Ski Association Tollakson Outstanding Club Award will recognize club excellence based on volunteerism and leadership, activity, membership growth, communications, contributions to the community, attendance at FWSA Annual Convention, and participation in FWSA Travel.
One club from each FWSA Member Council will be selected as a Council finalist. The Council finalists and the overall winner will be announced at the FWSA Annual Convention in Palm Springs, CA, from June 12-15, 2025.
We hope more of your member clubs will participate in the FWSA Tollakson Outstanding Club Program because recognition and publicity are key value propositions your Council and the FWSA provide your member club leaders and active members. At all costs, your Council should encourage your leading clubs to submit.
The form is easy to complete online at https://fwsa.org/content.aspx?page_id=331&club_id=623165&item_id=34124&actr=3
Todd Hood
VP Council Services
Far West Ski Association