NWSCC President's Report 2017-2018

By Barbara Bousum, NWSCC President 2017-2018, as reported to FWSA

NWSCC’s 25 member clubs are found throughout a large geographic area, primarily in Washington and Oregon, and even Hawaii. We held our annual elections in late June 2017, and the new officers and directors hit the ground running for our new fiscal year. Our annual planning retreat was held in August, as we developed our plans for the year.

NWSCC uses both our Facebook presence and our own website to keep our widespread member clubs informed about Council events, meetings and trips, reported Director Chris Ciardi. And we also support our local industry partners by sharing their posts of interest to our members. Ski trips organized by our council and FWSA are promoted on Facebook, too. All our clubs are encouraged to share their schedule of club activities, which can be found on our website, www.nwskiers.org, edited by Director Linda McGavin. Linda strives to keep the website updated with activities and club trips, so members can always discover opportunities to participate. Also, email newsletters drive members to the website.

NWSCC is fortunate that three of our Directors serve geographic areas to keep clubs and the board informed about what’s happening in their areas and share council information and activities. Rod Robinson was our central Oregon representative and reported that the Bend Ski Club continues to grow in members. A continuous flow of retirees moving to Bend, along with Bend’s Mount Bachelor in its backyard, help contribute to the club’s growth and success. Last season, Rod and his wife Becki led the Bend Ski Club's first-ever club trip to Mt. Hood Meadows and Hood River, OR. Norvin Peer keeps track of southwest Washington, and Bill Becroft covers the Seattle area. We are grateful to each of them.

We participated in our first pre-season event in October at Snowvana, the 2nd year for the season kick-off featuring area ski resorts, clothing and equipment retailers, entertainment and more. Both NWSCC and our racing arm Pacific Northwest Area Clubs Recreational Alpine Teams (PACRAT) hosted booths. We each held drawings for a lucky winner of a pair of skis and took the opportunity to encourage club membership. November found us talking up clubs again at the annual SkiFever show in Portland. Each event allowed us to reach out to the skiing and snowboarding community about the camaraderie we enjoy in our clubs. Also in November, NWSCC hosted Presidents’ Night where club presidents and NWSCC board members could network and share ideas.

In December, we hosted our first Winter Fair. At this event, open to all club members as well as the public, we announced our Woman and Man of the Year, socialized over craft beer and pizza, and enjoyed the fun of a silent auction. This evening social and fundraiser helps support NWSCC events throughout the year.

In February, NWSCCers descended upon Banff for FWSA Ski Week. We enjoyed wonderful powder and the beautiful scenery of the Canadian Rockies. Our council night at the Balkan was a rollicking evening of delicious food, joining the belly dancer in her moves, dancing throughout the restaurant, and throwing plates!

NWSCC again hosted a Bachelor Blast event in Bend, OR in early April. Participants represented five different NWSCC clubs. A hosted reception on Saturday evening brought everyone together, including club members with their own housing in Bend. While the weather on Mt. Bachelor was not spring-like (snowy and windy), everyone found something to do if they weren't skiing, from shopping to hiking in the surrounding areas (from the Badlands to Smith Rock). Those who stayed over until Monday enjoyed a return to true spring skiing, including blue skies, light winds, warming temperatures, and the opening of the Summit lift with developing corn snow leading to delightful skiing. However, everyone said they had a wonderful time and want to go again next year!

Andy Hobart, our PACRAT President, reported that five races at all three Mt. Hood resorts were completed this season. Sadly, the two planned NASTAR open races were both cancelled due to lack of snow. The PACRAT race league hosted its annual awards banquet April 14, 2018 at Mt. Hood Meadows, with an after-party immediately following at Charlie’s Mountain View. Four PACRAT racers attended the 2018 NASTAR Nationals in Squaw Valley, California, marking the 50th anniversary of the event. Representing the men were Dan Lane, Kyle Taylor, and Mark Stanford, and for the Lady PACRATs, Breanne Morton. All skied well, given some challenging weather with rain during the slalom and snow pellets blowing in sideways at times during some of the GS events. All-in-all, racers reported steep, icy and race-worthy courses and a beautiful venue which was a blast for free-skiing during sun breaks between events. We congratulate all the racers for representing PACRATs well at Nationals this year. Dan Lane placed 3rd (in the Silver 55-59 age bracket) in the GS; Kyle Taylor placed 3rd overall in the GS; Mark Stanford placed 3rd (in the Platinum 55-59 age bracket) in the GS; and Breanne Morton placed 2nd overall in the GS. Racers enjoyed meeting and racing alongside Olympians Marco Sullivan, Mt. Hood local AJ Kitt, and Daron Rahlves, a personal friend of Govy coach Richy Tichy. Coach Tichy attended the NASTAR Nationals this year on course crew for the event and as coach for Kyle Taylor and Breanne Morton. PACRAT looks forward to the 2019 NASTAR Nationals!

NWSCC is grateful for our hard-working officers and Directors. In addition to those already mentioned, V.P. Sue Rimkeit played a major role, helping in a myriad of ways to organize, set up, and arrange our various activities and meetings. Her creativity and enthusiasm continue to be an asset to NWSCC. Secretary Jeanne Reinhardt keeps accurate records of our meetings, and Bill King is our accurate and diligent Treasurer. Other directors are Sheri Parshall, whose very important role is to enroll our industry members, and Steve Coxen, who keeps us abreast of public affairs in the northwest that affect skiing and the ski industry.