NWSCC/PACRAT Election Results 2017-2018

New officers of NWSCC for the 2017-2018 year were elected at the June 21 meeting, as follows: 

President:  Barbara Bousum; Vice President:  Sue Rimkeit; Secretary:  Jeanne Reinhardt; Treasurer:  Bill King.  In addition, two Directors at Large were elected:  Chris Ciardi and Linda McGavin.  Further Directors will be appointed by the President with the approval of the new Board. 

PACRAT elections were also held, and the following officers were elected to the PACRAT board for the 2017-2018 year:  President:  Andy Hobart; Vice President:  Geoff Mihalko; Secretary:  Dan Lane; Treasurer:  Virginia Collison; Sponsorship:  Sandra Volk; Membership: Amanda Moran; Party Director:  Sylvia Kearns; Race Director:   Greg Dilger; Results Director:  Dale Parshall.