NWSCC and PACRAT Elections June 21!


Join the leadership of the Council – serving on the board of directors is a great way to get involved in club, council, and Far West Ski Association activities. The board is made up of members from different clubs in NWSCC -- bringing a variety of style and experience to the Council. All officer positions are open for one-year terms. The following officers will be voted upon at the June 21, 2017 meeting (location TBA). Each club has one vote, and each person can only vote on behalf of one club.

President: Head of the Council Executive Board; presides over meetings; assigns duties to Board members.

Vice President: Assumes duties of the president when needed and handles other duties as assigned.

Treasurer: Responsibility for Council financials.

Secretary: Records Council minutes and correspondence as needed; keeps corporate records.

At-Large Director (two positions): Duties as assigned by the President. [Other directors will be appointed by the elected Board to fill the slate.]

See the NWSCC bylaws (click HERE) for complete job descriptions.

Time involved: Quarterly Council meetings; a monthly board meeting; other duties as assigned or as you volunteer to work on.

If interested, please contact Sue Rimkeit (VicePres@nwskiers.org) for more information or to put your name on the ballot. We need your input and support, and want YOU to consider serving on the Board! PLEASE PASS THIS INFORMATION ON TO YOUR FELLOW CLUB MEMBERS.


PACRAT elections will also be held at the June 21 meeting; the following are elected positions for the PACRAT Board:

✶ President

✶ Vice President

✶ Secretary

✶ Treasurer

✶ Party Director

✶ Sponsorship Director

✶ Director of Results

✶ Director of Racing

✶ Director of Membership

Also on the Board, but NOT elected, is the Immediate Past President. Appointed Positions are Director at Large - Chief Rat Patrol and Director at Large - General.

If you are interested in running for a PACRAT Board position for 2017-2018, please contact Andy Hobart at president@pacrats.org. Please provide information on what position you would like to run for and why you are interested in doing so. He will be assembling the ballot. You will need to be at the meeting to say a few words about why you'd like to run and what you plan to do, or have someone else show up and speak on your behalf.

Who votes in PACRAT Elections?

The clubs must decide on who gets to vote for the club teams. Usually it is the Team Captains, but in cases where there are more teams than votes available, only the number of votes designated for that club may be cast. ALL team captains CAN be there to caucus, but your club can only cast the proper number of votes.

✶ Mountain High 5 votes

✶ Cascade 3 votes

✶ Skiyente 2 votes

✶ Schnee Vogeli 2 votes

✶ Bergfreunde 1 vote